replacing *.do to suit your needs.
You can configure YAV-tags and YAV via servlet filter parameters. For example:
These are all YAV-tags options that you can configure via servlet filter. None of them is mandatory.
If this param exists, when validation fails it is shown a javascript alert
with this message.
In case you use i18n, use value for i18n key.
If it is true, every literal text is treated as a i18n key.
In that case, you have to configure i18n in your application and
provide localized messages for every i18n literal in yav-config.js
<!-- YAV configuration options (yav-config.js) with default value. -->
<description>If you want yav to highligh fields with errors</description>
<description>If you want to use multiple class names</description>
<description>Classname you want for the error highlighting</description>
<description>Classname you want for your fields without highlighting</description>
<description>Classname you want for the inner error highlighting</description>
<description>Classname you want for the inner help highlighting</description>
<description>Div name where errors (and help) will appear (or where jsVar variable is dinamically defined)</description>
<description>If you want yav to alert you for javascript errors (only for developers)</description>
<description>If you want yav to trim the strings</description>
<description>Decimal separator</description>
<description>Thousands separator</description>
<description>Date format</description>
<param-value>^[A-Za-z0-9\-_ \n\r\t]*$</param-value>
<description>Change to set your own rule separator</description>
Add the following code to YAV filter configuration in web.xml
Now every literal text is treated as a internationalized key. You have to configure internationalization in
your application and provide localized messages for every i18n literal.
For example, if you have the rule:
<yav:rule value="birthday:yav.birthday|required" />
you'll have to add the following key to your messages bundle:
yav.birthday=Date of birth
Additionally, you have to provide translations for the following default messages:
MANDATORY_MSG=Mandatory field.
DEFAULT_MSG=Data are not valid.
REQUIRED_MSG=The field {1} is required.
ALPHABETIC_MSG=The field {1} is not valid. It must contain only letters.
ALPHANUMERIC_MSG=The field {1} is not valid. It must contain only letters and numbers.
ALNUMHYPHEN_MSG=The field {1} is not valid. It must contain only letters, numbers and hyphens.
ALNUMHYPHENAT_MSG=The field {1} is not valid. It must contain only letters, numbers, hyphens and at sign.
ALPHASPACE_MSG=The field {1} is not valid. It must contain only letters, numbers and spaces.
MINLENGTH_MSG=The field {1} must have at least {2} characters.
MAXLENGTH_MSG=The field {1} must have no more than {2} characters.
NUMRANGE_MSG=The field {1} must be a number in the interval {2}.
DATE_MSG=The field {1} is not a date using format mm-dd-yyyy.
NUMERIC_MSG=The field {1} must be a number.
INTEGER_MSG=The field {1} must be an integer number.
DOUBLE_MSG=The field {1} must be a decimal number.
REGEXP_MSG=The field {1} is not valid. Allowed format is {2}.
EQUAL_MSG=The field {1} must be equal to {2}.
NOTEQUAL_MSG=The field {1} must be not equal to {2}.
DATE_LT_MSG=The field {1} must be before than {2}.
DATE_LE_MSG=The field {1} must be before or equal to {2}.
EMAIL_MSG=The field {1} is not a valid e-mail address.
EMPTY_MSG=The field {1} must be empty.
You can download a complete working example called yavtags-i18n-example.war at the
YAV-tags project download page.
Just deploy it to your Java application server to see it working and to explore source code.